"To compose a subject well means no more than to see and present it in the strongest manner possible." Edward Weston

"Memory...is the diary that we all carry about with us."    Oscar Wilde

The goal of what I hope to achieve with my art is simple (besides making a few dollars to pay for it, aka this website and my subscription to Lightroom and Photoshop) is to bring pleasure and joy to those who view it.

I know this attitude is not very profound, but I have found over the years that most of the modern masters are more concerned with an outward appearance of depth and meaning, and in reality, they are just another factory producing objects for a brand rather than something unique. I know I will never get to that status (nor do I want to), so I just make thing that appeal to me (that being said I will gladly take commissions to help pay for replacing my aging equipment, what can I say I guess in I am a sell out after all, just like Ansel Adams and his commercial work).

Creepy Blossom


Through the Trees
